We went to BB Q's and swimming parties,watched awesome fireworks show,ate a ton of good food, spent alot of time with friends and family and went to Circus Circus.
He's growing up into a fine person. I know he will keep on making us proud in his later years. I'm sure there will be many hiccups along the way (I'm sure no worse than myself) but I will try to be there if not physically then with positive reinforcement. Things could be worse, he could be robbing and in trouble with the law or plotting assassinations on his school. Thank god he isn't doing that. He's a good kid and I love em'.
His time here with me is getting shorter and shorter each year. He's getting older and he has his friends (girls) and other activities he is involved in. Ive come to accept that, which makes me value his time with me, even more. I'm sure eventually ,I probably wont see him except on holidays or other family times. I think that passage is gone through for every parent. One day you cant wait till they are grown so you can get rid of them, then when they are gone you want em back. Just like my parents, my door is always open and always will be.
I Love Ya Zach!