Wednesday, March 26, 2014

gOiNg ThRoUgH HeLL.....AlMoSt ThErE

My adventure began January 16th. I was walking into the hospital,from the parking lot , to see my niece being born. Excited about being an uncle for the first time, i wasnt paying attention to the road infront of me. I stepped off the curb and rolled my left ankle. When tying to catch my balance i roled onto my right ankle. I looked down at my right foot just in time to hear and see my bone pop out the side of my ankle. It sounded like bubble popping. It didnt really hurt that much when it happened. I laid in the middle of the road not being able to get up. i looked down at my foot , my leg was straight and my foot was turned completly to the right. I thought "Thats not right".
the pain started after trying to get into a wheelchair that a lady who saw me fall rushed into the hospital toretrieve