Wednesday, December 12, 2012

i LoVe It WhEn.........

I love it when.........

  We have a conversation and the entire time its just you talking. Making no logical sense. Making things up as you go.
I love it when.........
  We are walking together and you reach up to hold my hand for no reason but to just hold hands.
I love it when.........
   I pick you up to hug you and you squeeze me so tight I cant breath, but I hold just as tight and hold my breath hoping it never ends.
I love it when.........
  We make silly faces at each other and laugh hysterically trying to make a face funnier than the last.
I love it when.........
  Your asleep and i can just lay next to you and watch you sleep, making sure your safe and warm.
I love it when.........
  Out of nowhere and for no reason except to say it...You tell me you love me.
I love it when.........

  When you come inside with a handful of dead bugs telling me you want to keep them and I try to explain to you that they are dead but you insist they are "just sleeping".
I love it when.........
  I know all I have to do is think of your smile and your face and all stresses of the day are gone. No matter what challenges life hands me I know I will always have you in my life to bring me joy and happiness.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

HoPe YoU kNoW......

   I know I love you because I want to get you soup when you’re sick. Not only do I want to get it for you, I want to make it for you so you can eat something made with love instead of with crushed insects and preservatives. I know I love you because I want to slap anyone who hurts you, even if it’s your boss. I want to hold you when you’re having a nightmare and kiss the spot that hurts when you bump into something. I know I love you because I want you to be healthy even when you’re not sick, and that’s why I keep bugging you to change your crappy eating ways even though I know you’re over hearing about it.
I know I love you because I worry about the stuff only people who love you worry about, like the amount of quality sleep you get a night and how much you drink when you’re sad and whether you’re getting enough vitamin B. Like probably more than your mom does, I’m not sure she especially cares about vitamin B. I know I love you because I freak out when you’re obviously disintegrating yet too stubborn and too “I’m fine” to actually go to the doctor, even though I do that sort of thing myself.
I know I love you because I think you’re beautiful even when you’re not. And I don’t mean good-looking, I mean beautiful, beautiful like there’s something pervasive and magnetic about you that comes through even when you look positively bad. I think you’re beautiful even when you’re hungover and puking your guts out, covered in hives, or when half your face is purple and swollen because you decided to act out Fight Club and punched yourself in the eye too hard. I know I love you because I think you’re beautiful even when you’re wearing Crocs and that’s no small accomplishment.
I know I love you because I can’t abandon you, not even when you’re being a dick. Not even when you’re being ten dicks. Normally I don’t put up with that sort of behavior but I love you and I understand you’re stressed or frustrated or PMS-y so I’ll let it slide for a little bit. But I also love you enough to call you out on it when it gets to be too much. I know I love you because only people who love you care to say something about your bad behavior instead of saying nothing and just calling you an asshole behind your back.
I know I love you because I want to listen, I really do. I don’t have anywhere to be that can’t wait for a while and I’m not checking my phone, in fact turned it off and buried it in the cushions the moment you said you needed me. I’m here for you and that other thing can wait.
I know I love you because I’m truly concerned with how your life turns out. It’s not just that I want you to “be happy” or attain that vague self-helpy “inner peace” bullshit we’re all supposed to aspire toward, I want you to express yourself and be fulfilled and feel like you’re living life for a good reason, not just passing the time. I want everything to work out for you the way it should and I want to be there for it, occasionally with champagne.
And I’m genuinely convinced that I love you because I want to do things for you that I don’t want to do for anyone, ever. Examples:I’ll stand there patiently with a video camera as you attach piranhas to your nipples when you’re broke and trying to get on Jackass, all that and more. That’s how I know I love you, and I hope you know it too

Thursday, August 9, 2012



   Sometimes we meet people in our lives that maybe we shouldn't have met. We have our share of good encounters and bad ones...each tested who we are,who we have become and who we want to be.
   At the end of the day I think that ive been lucky to encounter both. Ive had the best people enter my life and ive had the worst. Ive had people who have lifted my spirit so high and made me learn so much,enriched my life in ways they will never know and made me grateful to be alive.
   Ive had the worst people enter and leave my life,who broke me down,made me question my self worth and tested me to see how strong and how much i could really take. 
   Ive had my heart opened and broken. Ive given too much and gotten too little. But, Ive  also gotten so much from all of those. Sometimes its the people in your life who hurt you who actually help your inner YOU more than you know. Its when someone pushes you to the edge....when they make you wanna jump...when they make you feel like you have no options.....that you get the strength !
   Ive been on that edge of a hopeless cliff. Ive had all my emotional baggage strapped to my heavy and about to tip me over.....and it is at that moment....that I chose to jump....and do you know what happened?....I flew....I let go. I was FREE. I jumped from that ledge of insecurity, of false promises, of endless tears and unbearable grief, of misery and denial, and I left that person behind. I left everything I thought was comfort and realized there was more beyond the horizon...just passed that ledge I was on...and I soared. 
   So sometimes we meet people who push us to that limit...because we need to learn that life is all about risks...and it requires you to jump. Dont be the person who always has to think "what if?".....take a stand for yourself...for all you are and all you ever wanted to be...let go of what holds you down,what hurts you....what makes you thinkl you cant fly....AND JUST JUMP.....

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

HeY lAdiEs.....

Many girls obsess about how to be the perfect girlfriend. The truth is most guys are happy enough just to have a girlfriend. However, it is important to know that for guys, being respected is the most important thing. Guys want to know that you think they are powerful and strong. Also do not disregard his complement. If he tells you that he thinks that you look beautiful, don't tell him that you are ugly. You may be acting modest, or displaying your own insecurities, but to him, you are saying that his complements don't mean a thing.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

YoUr NoT AlOnE

   Right now, there are people all over the world who are just like you. They’re lonely. They’re missing somebody. They’re in love with someone they probably shouldn’t be in love with. They have secrets you wouldn’t believe. They wish and they dream and they hope, and they look out the window whenever they’re in the car or on a bus or a train and they watch the people on the streets and wonder what they’ve been through. They wonder if there are people out there like them. They’re like you, and you could tell them everything and they would understand.

  And right now, they’re sitting here reading these words, and I’m writing this for you so you don’t feel alone anymore.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

iT hApPeN's WhEn YoUr NoT lOoKiNg

I wasnt even looking....
I never thought I would find it....
I didnt even know what to look for...
Sometimes life has a way of surprising you....

  For the last few months of my life I decided to become the person I really wanted to be. I wasnt going to be afraid of what others thought about me nor did I even care. I had to do this for me!  After figuring out who I really was on the inside, things started to fall into place. I realized who I wanted in my life and the people I wanted to surround myself with. I had no way of knowing how to do the changes and evaluations of myself. I just jumped in with both feet and the payoff has been fantastic!
   Its a nice feeling when you start to notice things around you moving in a positive direction. Alot of my decisions have been very difficult and not everyone was happy with them. But in the end I feel its been a win-win situation for all involved.
   As of right now my life has made a surprising leap in a happy direction. I hear the music of life and see the colors of the world in a whole new way. This is what I have been looking for my whole life and I wont let it go without a fight. And the best way to keep it going is to challenge myself to be better on a daily basis.

Friday, January 13, 2012

ArRiVaL is true, that we dont know what we have until we lose it......
..............BUT................. is also true, that we dont know what we have been missing, until it arrives...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

# 10 oF ?

                       I figured Im going to come up with a few New Years resolutions        
#10...........BE LOYAL........ You will fail at it. You have already. A man who does not know loyalty, from both ends, does not know men. Loyalty is not a matter of give-and-take: He did me a favor, therefore I owe him one. No. No. No. It is the recognition of a bond, the honoring of a shared history, the reemergence of the vows we make in the tight times. It doesn't mean complete agreement or invisible blood ties. It is a currency of selflessness, given without expectation and capable of the most stellar return. Being loyal is doing the right thing at the right time and making sure the significant ones in your life benefit from the decisions you make on a daily basis.....