Sunday, January 31, 2010

I KnEw ThErE WaS a ReAsOn.....

I just got off the phone with my mother , and I had an " Epiphany ."...A sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something. It only took 18 years to figure out what I was doing 25 years ago.

I WAS TRAINING MY PARENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!

When I was out doing all the things that I wasnt suppose to do , it was all a part of my training program that I started for my parents. YOUR WELCOME mom and dad! All the lies I came up with to try and deceive them and manipulate a situation to my needs , was part of their intelligence training. All the hiding spots in and around my room that they would try and find , was all part of their concealment training. And when I would plan to go out to parties with friends,but I told them something else, was part of their covert opts training.
I didnt realize it then, but I sure do know now! Good for my own sake I remember and learned from all of my mistakes and life experiences as a teenager. I especially learned to spot when things are going down hill with" my teenagers". There isnt any " lies " I havnt heard or "hiding spots" that I cant find.
Luckily I put my parental units through a fast pace long enduring training seminar of how to deal with me. And I realize now that I wasnt just doing it for them , but for me. I wouldnt have been able to deal with my kids if I didnt already know what to do when things went wrong.
So all in all ....with out me doing all the wrong things and training my parents in the way of disciplining.....they wouldnt have been able to train ME in the ways of teenagers...Thanx and Your Welcome.

1 comment:

  1. What is funny, during the training process, you honestly think your smarter than the parents. You think you are doing something new and can't understand how "parents" could figure out what we're up too. I understand fully now, As parents we have been there and done that.
